Homeschool Curriculum Reviews, Tips, Helps and Parenting Advice

August 24, 2009

Summer 2009 Projects

This summer we really laid back on the school work. We did reading and math daily and got a few science lessons in here and there. We did a few craft projects that I thought I would post here too.

We read about clocks and we read Hickory Dickory Dock several times. Vincent did most of the work on this but Raquel had a few things to add.

For Raquel's birthday party in August all the kids made fireflies. They really turned out cute. They have glow sticks in the butt to make them light up.

This is sand paper art. We colored on sandpaper and then I hot ironed onto regular white paper. This was lots of fun.

This is a car manufacturing plant. Obviously a new plant. LOL. He did this all on his own. he is very talented in lego's. He would love to work at Legoland and build all the neat things. Hey the master builders make a good chunk of change!
This is a copied drawing of Vincent's from a coloring book that he also enhanced.

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